AKF# 022 – Will there be a World War III?
This week, @antoniosanciolo and @larrykingundead answer the above question from @Grumpy_Pete78

It’s nice to have a change of pace from the pure undiluted nerdery that typically runs rampant during the Ant King Frequency.  We got our serious caps on (for most of the show) and I think you’ll be impressed with out arguments!

If you’d like suggest a topic yourselves, donate below and let us know via the twitter links above or via THE NEW ANT KING FREQUENCY EMAIL – akf@whitetigergrafiks.com  – OMG IT’S BEAUTIFUL!!!

As always we encourage listener feedback, and will often respond to correspondence in the actual podcast (unless you specify otherwise) – please feel free to get in touch!

Check out our respective DeviantArt pages:
Larry King – http://earthmanprime.deviantart.com/
Antonio Sanciolo – http://whitetigergrafiks.deviantart.com/

The Ant King Frequency is copyright 2015 by White Tiger Grafiks
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